Book: Survival into the 21st Century

Book: Survival into the 21st Century
by Ross Horne



Here is the introduction:


The history of mankind is an immense sea of errors
in which a few obscure truths may here and there be found.

Cesare Beccaria

And don’t kid yourself the 21st Century will be any different.

The author

The 21st Century lies ahead of us, and in it a lot of interesting things are going to happen, some of which you don’t have to be a genius to foretell.

The course of human history has been one of fluctuating fortunes punctuated by triumphs and tragedies, successes and mistakes. For every triumph there would be at a guess a hundred tragedies, for every success, a hundred mistakes. From time to time a good idea backfires, and from time to time an established principle turns out to be a mistake. And that’s how it goes: only by making mistakes and repairing them can progress be achieved.

Or at least what we have considered to be progress is achieved, but now we are having doubts because suddenly we have become aware we may have gone too far. We have “progressed” to a point where we have upset the equilibrium of our planet Earth, thereby threatening the survival of all its inhabitants.

“Those who do not learn by the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them” is an old proverb, and the fact that “history repeats itself” demonstrates that most of the time the mistakes of the past receive only temporary notice and are repeated over and over. Nothing is different today and many of today’s crop of mistakes are common knowledge, more of a nuisance than a danger. But what is not common knowledge, not even in the ranks of our “better informed” citizens, is that, woven into our traditional day to day lifestyle, there are dangerous errors that are responsible for most of the current health problems in the world and for their ever-increasing severity. These errors, which are gradually becoming more evident, are the result of human over-confidence and gross ignorance of the fundamental laws of Nature. The ignorance has persisted so long because, obsessed with our fancied superiority of science and technology, we tend to disregard the simple as being beneath notice.

The world, sociologically, is divided into two groups: the haves and the have-nots. A great proportion of the have-nots live on or below the subsistence level and are perishing from disease and starvation, while to help them out a bit, the haves send them relief supplies of wheat and powdered milk.

This scenario is one of tremendous irony, because the affluent (have) nations who out of pity donate fourth-rate relief food to the suffering have-nots are, without realizing it, themselves suffering from malnutrition, of a different kind that is not obvious but which kills them off just as effectively, although not as quickly, as undernourishment kills off the poor.

When malnutrition is thought about, the picture that comes to mind is that of an emaciated child with hand outstretched and imploring eyes, a child destined for a life of disease if not death by starvation. It is a sad thought, but just as sad is it to observe our own “well-fed” children and to predict what the future holds for them. On presentday statistics, one in every three people will get cancer, one in every two will die of a circulatory disease, and the rest, if not killed in accidents, will perish from some other disease. The death certificates will show cause of death to be any of the above, but the real cause, if properly recorded, would read “degeneration caused by malnutrition”, because it is defective nutrition supplied us by our traditional Western diet that underlies each and every one of the socalled diseases of civilization, not ignoring that smoking and alcohol play their part as well.

The human lifespan potential as agreed by contemporary scientists is 120 years. That this was known and recorded in ancient times is evidenced in the bible, Genesis VI.3: “And the Lord said, My spirit will not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.” With an average life expectancy in modern society of only about seventy-five years, it’s surprising that more people are not complaining about being short-changed. The explanation for this appears to be that our culture, which in the past was moulded on religious beliefs, has accepted the biblical lifespan of “three score years and ten”, which reduced term was decreed by God consequentially to the sinful habits acquired by mankind. Seventy years or thereabouts is therefore more or less mistakenly taken as an acceptable life span.

Following from all this, it must be a reasonable assumption whether of either a religious or a scientific persuasion that if the errors in lifestyle with which we prematurely degenerate our bodies and minds are corrected, then a vast improvement to our individual life potential will follow.

That a situation could ever exist where all people live completely disease free with never a tooth cavity or even a pimple to spoil a happy lifetime is of course just a Utopian dream, because our bad habits are too deeply ingrained in our culture along with the transient pleasures that they bring, and along with the wishful but grossly mistaken thinking that modern medicine can conquer disease. Be that as it may, the behavior of the herd need be no concern of yours because it is also a fundamental rule of Nature that when things get desperate it’s every man for himself, and the devil take the. hindmost.

The things are desperate, the writing is on the wall. As the news headlines proclaim daily, our health problems continue to increase. Old diseases once thought abolished are re-appearing, and rare ones are becoming common, all of them incurable by medical drugs. Cancer, asthma and arthritis are on the increase, and cardiovascular disease (heart/stroke) is still the major cause of death. Cancer, for which there is no effective medical treatment, is now responsible for one in four of all deaths and at the present rate of increase will soon account for one in three. And doctors can do nothing about it, dying as predictably as everybody else as the increasing cost of medicine threatens to bankrupt our economy.

That is how we stand at the threshold of the 21st Century. However, the chances of your personal survival and the survival of your children need not be assessed from this glum outlook, because with the right knowledge and the right application you can if you so wish raise your chances of a longer than average life span to record heights. Unfortunately, the right knowledge has not yet been discovered by our so-called experts on nutrition, who still propound the old concept of “thefive basic food groups”*, which concept, invented many years ago by the US Department of Agriculture, does more good for the food industry and the medical industry than it does for the food consumers. The object of this book is to provide information on the subject that is up to date and to expose a lot of the false concepts pertaining not only to nutrition but to other aspects of our culture which greatly affect our health, not the least of which is the ever-increasing danger presented by pharmaceutical drugs and the people who dispense them.

    *In the U.S.A. they classify the various foods into only four groups.

Remember, whatever you do, that despite the wonderful advances in surgery and other crisis-dealing medicines, modern medical personnel have only a vague and usually erroneous understanding of the metabolic upsets that fill the Pandora’s box of human diseases, and can therefore do little to help the chronically sick. Perhaps this statement from the famous English cancer specialist, Dr Kasper Blond, explains why:

“The problem must be considered as an insoluble medical problem because it is essentially a nutritional and social problem, in other words, a problem of prevention. Such a problem cannot be solved by animal experiments, vaccines and drugs. Statisticians, pathologists, biochemists and doctors cannot solve social problems.”

To sum up this introduction and its emphasis on mistakes, the words of the famous Swedish doctor, Are Waerland , put it all in a nutshell:—Weare not concerned with diseases but with mistakes . . . of living. Get rid of the mistakes and the diseases will disappear of their own accord.”