This morning, our maid was complaining about the stuck up p-trap sink in the bathroom. Time to call the old reliable plumber Mang Ben. He arrived 2 hours later. He fixed the sink, went around shopping for parts for the other toilet flush, and he fixed the leak in the other sink. Well and good. As we were finally talking about how much I owed him… I noticed him… now I remember, the last time I saw him he looked deathly sick, skinny, old and in pain. This piqued my curiosity, I just had to ask what he had done.

Mang Ben, full name Mamerto Balthazar II, born 1951, professional plumber, diagnosed with liver cancer
The funny thing was his answer. It seems he heeded my advice from way back! Oh, now I remember. He said we last saw each other October, 2008 and he was awfully sick at that time. I was so distressed at his condition I pulled him to my office to teach him my which showed him how to cure his condition.
These were his diagnosis and symptoms with his doctor last year:
- Cancer of the Liver – 6 months to live
- Gall bladder stones – offered gall bladder surgery but refused
- Very thin, weak
- Pain in his liver, lower right side of rib cage
- Hyperacidity
I remember now printing the cancer cure manual for him and giving him a copy. Mang Ben remembers me giving him a left over bottle of Dr. Tam’s Miracle tea. He had asked his wife to buy 1 big bottle for him. The miracle tea is one of the most effective herbal colon cleansers in the Philippines.
What Mang Ben has done was mere Colon Cleansing. It is the 2nd recommended detox protocol in my cure manual, just after spinal adjustments. See the colon cleansing page at
Mang Ben’s experience with the Dr. Tam’s Miracle Tea herbal colon cleanser:
- Rumbling in his guts
- Expelling of black foul garbage – he’s a plumber so he knows what’s going on.
Initial results with the herbal colon cleanser:
- Hyperacidity has vanished
- Liver pain has vanished
- from weak, he became strong
- from thin, he has gained substantial weight
Hey, it is February 2009 and instead of his condition getting worse, Mang Ben is getting tons better! So I talked him into my office again and this time I suggested he do liver flushes… the easiest type of liver flush I know. The egg yolk liver flush, and adjusting it to Philippine available resources:
- 2 to 3 egg yolks, the native variety
- 2 lemons, squeeze them
- 1 tablespoon virgin coconut oil
Mix all together. Drink 3 hours after dinner. I suggested dinner at 5:30pm and drink the concoction at 9 to 10 pm. Do this procedure for 5 consecutive days. Click here to see the original egg yolk liver flush by Tsetsi.
I promised Mang Ben he will experience a surge of incredible strength when his liver gets cleaned. I related to him my experience of expelling 100+ green stones, and my brother’s almost dying experience expelling 150+ black stones, I predict he should expell black stones.
I even promised Mang Ben he will get his virility back! How’s that for encouragement?